Monday, September 13, 2010

R.I.P. guppy…


It became apparent…that my guppy had fish TB…I think…O.O

I couldn’t risk the health and safety of my family, especially because I’m soon to work in a public health environment…So I decided to do what was the best for my family, and also probably the best possible decision for my guppy as well…

I didn’t flush her down the toilet or anything…I thought that was inconsiderate and heartless…after all, I did have her for more than 2 months…and we kinda really developed a relationship…

She was barely moving at all when I got my best friend to take her out of the water in a plastic spoon…

I prepared a sandwich bag lined with "Snuggle” tissue and we put her in the bag and sealed it…

She didn’t move at all through the process…

Which ensured me even more, that my decision was probably the best for everyone…

I wrote a note that said: “dead fish inside…R.I.P” and stapled it onto the bag…then…the bag was tossed in the garbage…O.O

For the reason of contamination, I decided not to flush her down the toilet (since we don’t know if fish TB is transmittable through water as a vector…and for the same reason I didn’t want to bury her…)

I ignored the suggestion of taking last pictures of my guppy, because I thought she deserved her privacy as she took her last “breaths” and that it was WAY too emotional for me to look at her or the bag that she was in…>.<

Anyway…I’m sincerely hoping that whatever she died from…(which presumed was fish TB,) that I will not be affected by it…considering I need to be soon tested for TB as a condition of working in a hospital…

God bless us all??!!

That’s all….*sigh*

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Somehow I don’t have a good feeling about my guppies…


After my trip to NYC, I came home and found that my other female guppy’s tail started to rot. =(

I immediately took her out of the large tank and hospitalized her along with my first sick guppy.

I found both of their gills to be inflamed and that their eyes were somewhat popping out…

I went and got them some medication, from an Asian aquarium store…the medication is call “fish saver” I used it for a couple of days, and didn’t really pay MUCH attention to the dosage that I was giving me…

I woke up this morning and found one of the 2 guppies (the one that’s lost her tail on the filter,) to be almost covered in BLACK specks!

I don’t think this is another symptom, considering that I couldn’t find a matching symptom description on my “fish sickness” guide, so I concluded that this is the result of having too much medication in the water, and the specks are markings of the fish being BURNT….

I changed their water…and now they’re in just clean water with no medication in it at all, and only some water conditioner…

Anyway…I hope she lives through tonight…but if not…I’m going to feel sad…but I’m not going to regret what I did…because honestly I tried my best…and I think it would be much better for her to pass away into a happier place than to continue to suffer in my little water bowl…

That’s it for now…O.O