Thursday, July 29, 2010

I noticed something new today!

I was really concerned that my comet is nibbling at my bigger goldfish...but i decided to keep them in the same tank to see if they could SOMEHOW become friends...then i noticed something interesting...

I was concerned a few days ago and took the comet and the guppies out of the tank because they showed nibbling behaviours.....i fed them separately and kept them away from my oranda and moor...

I fed them while they were in different bowls today...and then out of curiousty put them back into the tank.

The guppies didnt nibble at all after putting them back!! 0.o

The comet was still chasing after the oranda...but then I started to feed the bigger goldfish, and the comet also got some food along with them...and miraculously....

My theory is...that the bright colour of the oranda makes it seem like it's food and not another fish...especially the crown which appears to be extra attractive....but once they're fed, they're not hungry till the point that they're hunting after food...and the nibbling behaviour stops...0.o

Hey, i could still be wrong...but this is my theory,..and my fish seems to acting this way......

So happy to see them getting along temporarily~~ =)

that's it for now....

ps.....i'm SUCH a noob when it comes to fish....just googled the question: "how do goldfish sleep?"...>.> fail~

Tuesday, July 27, 2010



water cleared up today!!

that was fast~~ lol~~

took the guppies out yesterday cuz they looked very dead in the milky water~~

i think i might put them back tmr...xD

haha~ that's it for now...=)

Monday, July 26, 2010


I was soo happy yesterday because of my two new goldfish...until i woke up this morning and found my aquarium MILKY CLOUDY!!!

I did some research, and found that it was normal for a new tank under 8 weeks to go through the whole cycle of establishing bacterial colonies and all that, but i just can't seem to stop WORRING!!

Coal and Tobiko seemed to be FINE when i left the house this morning, but i was worried enough and did just a 5-10% water change and added a couple drops of water conditioner. The guppies were also swimming around nicely too, so there shouldn't really be anything majorly wrong with the moment.

My problem is not with the health conditions of the fish at the moment but rather the long term affects of the water condition on their weel-being.

Some people say that water clarifying treatments only have temporary afects on the water, and shouldn't really be used because they will disturbe the establishment of the bateria. I'm very undecided about whether to get carifying agents, because I would like to leave the water as it is and allow the water to cycle, but I'm also very worried about the conditions of the water and what it will do to the fish in the next couple of days.

...This is another one of those eeny meeny miney mow situations...

anyway..that's all for now.=(

Sunday, July 25, 2010

More Fish To Come!!

Today was definitely a very exciting day for me, because I went out and bought the black moor and oranda goldfish that i've been DYING to have~!!

They are ADORABLE little creatures that are just FASCINATING to watch!!

Even since I've gotten my fish, I've developed a habit of just sitting in front of the tank and just watching them....i don't know if this is a good habit or a bad habit, but it's definitely a better habit than sitting in front of the computer all day..><

So let me show you the new additions to my Ichthy family!!


She (as dubbed by me,) is a red and white oranda goldfish. I got her at the aquarium at P-mall for $4.99...she's medium sized and VERY beautiful. Her body is purely white with no orange spots or colouration, and her "crown" is a very sexy shade of blood red. She's very bulky and when she swims, she wiggles her whole body, which i find to be extremely funny, yet lovable. Her crown looked so much like the tobiko sauce from Japanese cuisine, that i actually thought about naming her that…and thus the origin of her name!=D


and then…there’s COAL

Coal is a black moor that i bought at the same store as Tobiko for $5.99. He is a little bit bigger than Tobiko, and very active! Coal is a very deep shade of black (unlike some of the fish that were sold there, were different shades of dark grey instead of black,) and appears to be VERY healthy, with no split fins or spots on the body~ He often head buds tobiko’s …..butt…>.> i have no idea whether this is because he’s playing with her or is there something else wrong with these two…but for now they look like they’re developing a very good relationship….xD


(you see…..he’s snuggling with tobiko!!!) lol~

I’ve also decided to take Pearly out of the tank by herself into her old bowl. I thought the guppies would have a problem with nibbling at the goldfish tails, but apparently it was actually the comet that had this problem, and not the guppies.

I also bought one more oranda goldfish. It’s not as pure in colour as tobiko, but its patterns were also very neat.

I gave this fish to my friend who just had a kidney surgery in hopes that the goldfish would bring her better health and good luck ~~=D


This Oranda has almost a zebra strip pattern on her body which i thought was also very pretty…=) Despite that…this is one stubborn fish!! 0.o…..she kept on trying to head bud the bag to get out…she’d fail and stop, but in 30 sec she would go back to doing the same thing…-.-

anyway~Here are some videos of my tank now…

(these were taken before the comet came outta the tank…)

Anyway~ that’s all for now~ =)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

They’re FINALLY in the tank!!


I’ve FINALLY put the fish in the tank, and I must say: space makes the BIGGEST DIFFERENCE!!

I’ve NEVER seen Pearly this active before, and I need to admit that i was stubborn about keeping her in a small bowl for such a long time, and that I’ve deprived her needs of room to swim around~~

They’re still adapting to the new tank and water, and the tank is still at earlier stages of setup~The wires and position of all the equipments still need to be adjusted, but for now, it’ll do.

I still have concerns about the whole dye issue from the air stone, and the gravel. (the gravel in the water is NOT the same batch)

I’m SO VERY EXCITED about adding more fish to the tank!! I have in mind the two i mentioned last time, but on top of that..I also am DYING to buy some smaller fish…

I’m have a LOT of fun raising these guppies and i think that they’re GREAT to have around considering they’re very easy to keep~><

I’ve learned from having this bigger tank, that with the amount of room they have, some of their typical behaviours and characteristics, which didn’t show before, were already starting to appear, and thus makes keeping them MUCH easier!

Enough blabbing…I’d like to share a video and some pictures…these were taken just a couple hours after they were in the tank =)





I’m a very superstitious person, and I believe in a lot of old Chinese sayings…I’d have to say, after i got the fish, the Feng Shui and luck in the family got a little better..=) and I hope i won’t jinx anything by saying this~ ^^

If you are like me, you should definitely consider keeping some fish!! =D

Anyway, That’s all for now…=)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

will the problems ever end~?!

So I tried washing out my new gravel again…after the millionth time that i’ve done so after buying it about a week ago.

There’s no sign of the dye washing away at all!!! if not, actually getting worse!! I still have a LOT of dye and residue on the rubber gloves that i wear to wash and scrub the gravel, and it just doesn’t seem to be fading at ALL…

I’m getting really frustrated about this whole “dye incident” because it’s not only my gravel, it’s also my bubble stone!!

I have a Top Fin 7” bubble stone that’s dyed blue on the out side. I put it in the tank about 2 days ago to filter out with the water so to prepare for the fish addition. However, when I looked at the water today i noticed a VERY obvious blue colour in the water…and now, I’m even more skeptical about the quality of the things at Petsmart and whether it’d be safe to put my fish in there!

Right now, I just have the filter going at it in the tank, and I left the bubble stone in there to see if maybe the carbon in the filter would take the colour out (as i read on a certain website that it might have such an effect)…but either way…I’m going back to Petsmart soon…>.<, maybe I’ll end up buying stones or just natural gravel, and let this be a BIG lesson learned!!

Really hope that the problems would end SOON! so that i can move my fish into the tank!

Anyway…that’s all for now..=(

oh and ps. my problematic gravel is also manufactured by Top Fin….that shows something doesn’t it~?! …-.-....let this be a note to self to always leave Top Fin as last resort!….

(good thing i bought the smaller 5lb bags instead of this stupid thing..)

Quickie update...

Oh yea!

Finally got my power filter to work!!

Lol~ the power chord isn't underwater!!

so happy!!
something is turning out RIGHT~~


Wednesday, July 21, 2010



"pertaining to throwing before…”

and that is EXACTLY what’s happening with my tank issues! They just keep coming!!

My power filter is not working when i put it on the tank!!

either i installed it wrong, or it’s malfunctioning…

I really don’t wanna go back to the store again…


i think it’s going to be a LOOOONG wait for my fishies to move into their new tank…

anyway…will try to make it work tmr…

that’s it for now.



i have an Aqueon Aquarium Power Filter 10

which supposedly was quite an expensive filter..?? 0.o

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


In my desperate attempt to create a nice environment for my new fish tank, i neglected on doing research and went out and bought a 5 lb bag of blue.....

When i came home and followed the instruction to "rinse" the gravel "thoroughly" indicated on the back of the came to my attention that the dye on the gravel turned my hand BLUE....

I've since...continuously washed the gravel and have been soaking them for 2 days as of now.

The blue dye is still there...and it comes off and shows up on the rubber gloves that i wear, when i scrub them.

I really don't want to waste away 7 dollars worth of gravel, but i also don't want the colour to leach out and kill my fish!

There's one post that i read that says the carbon in your power filter will take away the leached out dye on the gravel...but i continue to be very concern about this issue.


there are a couple of sources that say boiling the gravel will work...0.o but others say to NEVER use hot water for you gravel.....@.@


Sunday, July 18, 2010

Project Ichthy underway~~~


Here to share my new found hobby - fish raising...


Sam and jeff are the only people that would have recognized my title and smacked me for using it...xD i

Ichthy is fish in greek...ancient greek to be exact...

ANYWAY~~ moving on...

so since my win over the bet with jeff that my fish are going to live longer than a week....=D....i've really gotten serious about keeping them alive and also increasing the stock of fish in my pocession as a totally serious hobby.

I've recently purchase a 10 gallon tank...completed with power filters, air pumps, bubble stones, termometers, heaters, gravel, and everything and anything that a fish would need to stay alive....

There's going to be a complete series of journals that i'm going to keep on the process of me and the fish..

so...this is going to be the first one...




she's a white comet goldfish~ the one that i won at the night market at the stupid goldfish catching game...but i LOVE her as hell!!



she (or at least i dubbed it to be,) is very lively~ the first couple of days that i had her, i was very worried that she was going to die...because she was not acting normal, and was very weak. But ever since i moved her into the bowl by herself and stopped feeding her so much, she's gotten SO MUCH BETTER! today was the first day that i've seen her do so well on her own, and for the first time in a week, I relaxed, and unstressed.

and then...there are the annoying little guppies...


i used to have 6 of them....all of which i bought at the night market in hopes that they would be of good company to Pearlie.....but as i learned later...that was a stupid idea. Guppies are very agressive fish, and obviously does not do well with the calmness of the goldfish. They used to nibble at Pearlie all the time in the bowl (partly due to the limited amount of space for SEVEN fish!><) and Pearlie would always hide on the edge of the bowl by herself, which made me SO extremely worried and annoyed at the guppies.

Since moving Pearlie out of the bowl from the guppies, the guppies have done better themselves too. They've been much more active, but also more agressive towards each other (also because of the limited amount of space provided.)

From the time of my purchase till now, 2 guppies have sadly died. =( and it was unfortunate, because i think they died because i stuffed them to death...literally. Yes, again...the fish were overfed. Luckily i realized this before the habbit was able to wreck more havok in my small fish population.

For the time being, I'm preparing to and setting up my 10 gallon tank. It's quite a bit of work, but hopefully i'll be able to complete before the end of the week. (a bit hard considering midterm and fundaraising this week..><)

Here are some preparation pictures:



trying to soak the gravel...these damn things have so much dye on them!! they'll poison my fish!!...T.T



the assembly process...

and an additional video to show you guys how well the guppies and Pearly are doing~

Very thankful that Pearlie and the guppies are doing well~

My next step is to get

1) a red and white Oranda Goldfish

2) a black moor~

and perhaps a KOI


that’s it for now~ =)