Saturday, July 24, 2010

They’re FINALLY in the tank!!


I’ve FINALLY put the fish in the tank, and I must say: space makes the BIGGEST DIFFERENCE!!

I’ve NEVER seen Pearly this active before, and I need to admit that i was stubborn about keeping her in a small bowl for such a long time, and that I’ve deprived her needs of room to swim around~~

They’re still adapting to the new tank and water, and the tank is still at earlier stages of setup~The wires and position of all the equipments still need to be adjusted, but for now, it’ll do.

I still have concerns about the whole dye issue from the air stone, and the gravel. (the gravel in the water is NOT the same batch)

I’m SO VERY EXCITED about adding more fish to the tank!! I have in mind the two i mentioned last time, but on top of that..I also am DYING to buy some smaller fish…

I’m have a LOT of fun raising these guppies and i think that they’re GREAT to have around considering they’re very easy to keep~><

I’ve learned from having this bigger tank, that with the amount of room they have, some of their typical behaviours and characteristics, which didn’t show before, were already starting to appear, and thus makes keeping them MUCH easier!

Enough blabbing…I’d like to share a video and some pictures…these were taken just a couple hours after they were in the tank =)





I’m a very superstitious person, and I believe in a lot of old Chinese sayings…I’d have to say, after i got the fish, the Feng Shui and luck in the family got a little better..=) and I hope i won’t jinx anything by saying this~ ^^

If you are like me, you should definitely consider keeping some fish!! =D

Anyway, That’s all for now…=)

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