Sunday, July 18, 2010

Project Ichthy underway~~~


Here to share my new found hobby - fish raising...


Sam and jeff are the only people that would have recognized my title and smacked me for using it...xD i

Ichthy is fish in greek...ancient greek to be exact...

ANYWAY~~ moving on...

so since my win over the bet with jeff that my fish are going to live longer than a week....=D....i've really gotten serious about keeping them alive and also increasing the stock of fish in my pocession as a totally serious hobby.

I've recently purchase a 10 gallon tank...completed with power filters, air pumps, bubble stones, termometers, heaters, gravel, and everything and anything that a fish would need to stay alive....

There's going to be a complete series of journals that i'm going to keep on the process of me and the fish..

so...this is going to be the first one...




she's a white comet goldfish~ the one that i won at the night market at the stupid goldfish catching game...but i LOVE her as hell!!



she (or at least i dubbed it to be,) is very lively~ the first couple of days that i had her, i was very worried that she was going to die...because she was not acting normal, and was very weak. But ever since i moved her into the bowl by herself and stopped feeding her so much, she's gotten SO MUCH BETTER! today was the first day that i've seen her do so well on her own, and for the first time in a week, I relaxed, and unstressed.

and then...there are the annoying little guppies...


i used to have 6 of them....all of which i bought at the night market in hopes that they would be of good company to Pearlie.....but as i learned later...that was a stupid idea. Guppies are very agressive fish, and obviously does not do well with the calmness of the goldfish. They used to nibble at Pearlie all the time in the bowl (partly due to the limited amount of space for SEVEN fish!><) and Pearlie would always hide on the edge of the bowl by herself, which made me SO extremely worried and annoyed at the guppies.

Since moving Pearlie out of the bowl from the guppies, the guppies have done better themselves too. They've been much more active, but also more agressive towards each other (also because of the limited amount of space provided.)

From the time of my purchase till now, 2 guppies have sadly died. =( and it was unfortunate, because i think they died because i stuffed them to death...literally. Yes, again...the fish were overfed. Luckily i realized this before the habbit was able to wreck more havok in my small fish population.

For the time being, I'm preparing to and setting up my 10 gallon tank. It's quite a bit of work, but hopefully i'll be able to complete before the end of the week. (a bit hard considering midterm and fundaraising this week..><)

Here are some preparation pictures:



trying to soak the gravel...these damn things have so much dye on them!! they'll poison my fish!!...T.T



the assembly process...

and an additional video to show you guys how well the guppies and Pearly are doing~

Very thankful that Pearlie and the guppies are doing well~

My next step is to get

1) a red and white Oranda Goldfish

2) a black moor~

and perhaps a KOI


that’s it for now~ =)

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