Thursday, July 29, 2010

I noticed something new today!

I was really concerned that my comet is nibbling at my bigger goldfish...but i decided to keep them in the same tank to see if they could SOMEHOW become friends...then i noticed something interesting...

I was concerned a few days ago and took the comet and the guppies out of the tank because they showed nibbling behaviours.....i fed them separately and kept them away from my oranda and moor...

I fed them while they were in different bowls today...and then out of curiousty put them back into the tank.

The guppies didnt nibble at all after putting them back!! 0.o

The comet was still chasing after the oranda...but then I started to feed the bigger goldfish, and the comet also got some food along with them...and miraculously....

My theory is...that the bright colour of the oranda makes it seem like it's food and not another fish...especially the crown which appears to be extra attractive....but once they're fed, they're not hungry till the point that they're hunting after food...and the nibbling behaviour stops...0.o

Hey, i could still be wrong...but this is my theory,..and my fish seems to acting this way......

So happy to see them getting along temporarily~~ =)

that's it for now....

ps.....i'm SUCH a noob when it comes to fish....just googled the question: "how do goldfish sleep?"...>.> fail~

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