Wednesday, August 25, 2010

This has been the saddest day of my life…


My guppy’s tail fell off…and I watched it happen…

When I first saw it, it was BARELY sticking on…and then as she swam around in a circle, the tails just fell off…

I almost cried when I saw what was happening…

Now she’s tailess…

I really wonder if this is being caused by a parasite instead of the accident…

So…I’m going to the pet store soon…

I’m going to stop writing about her on this blog now, because it’s just way too depressing, and I’ll start crying if I keep writing about her…

I’ll pray that she doesn’t die, but I can’t help but wonder now that, maybe dying would be a better choice for her.

Ok. I’m through with writing about her.




That’s all I’m going to write about her now…

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


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just some updates~




Yesterday was a SAD SAD day for one of my guppies…and I literally had a heart attack!!

One of my guppies (whom I have sort of identified as a female) lost almost half of her tail!!!

It began about 2 or 3 days ago, when my mom was looking at the tank and told me that she could only find 3 guppies instead of the usual four. I thought she was kidding, because 10 minutes before that, there were still 4 of them there. As I walked over to the tank, I really did notice that one was missing, so I started to panic. On top of everything, my mom suggested that maybe the missing guppy was eaten by one of my goldies…which i thought was ridiculous, but also frightening. At last, we found her hiding in the little space behind the filter on the edge of the tank! I laughed it off and thought it was nothing.

The day after that, I kept on noticing that the same guppy was missing. But this time, I knew to look behind the filter and as expected, I would also find her hiding there. This went on for the rest of the day, and I didn’t really mind her after that. After I came home yesterday, I did some research. Most of the topics that I Googled up dealt with female pregnant guppies hiding until delivery. This was strange to me, because CLEARLY my guppy wasn’t pregnant or anything, but I couldn’t really eliminate this factor because I do have 2 males in the tank. So I just left her alone.

Shortly after 9pm, I was getting ready to go to bed, I came downstairs to get a drink of water. I was going to leave my fishies alone, but there was an urge for me to just check up on them, and so I did.


I knew I was only going to find 3 guppies swimming around, so naturally I looked behind the filter, but only to find the little enclave to be EMPTY!! I didn’t know WHERE to look, but as my eyes moved downward…OH MY FREAKING GOODNESS!!! my guppy was SUCKED against the round tube thingy of my filter that drew water in, and SHE WAS NOT MOVING!!!!!!!!


I grabbed my net and lightly tried to slide her off, and she moved!!!!! SHE FIDGITED!!!! I WAS NEVER SO HAPPY IN MY LIFE TO SEE A FISH FREAKING FIDGITING!!!

I quickly got her off of the pipe and she sort of swam a little into the water but looked SO weak. I immediately took her out of the tank, and into the bowl that I always put beside the tank!

She didn’t eat through the whole duration of the 3 days, so I gave her a little food, and she happily took it.

She didn’t lose any fins or anything, but the hind part of her body was severely hurt! Her scales were damaged and she lost about HALF of her tail!!!!

I was almost in tears!! THANK GOD that I was concerned and checked up on them JUST IN TIME to save her!! I was soo worried that she wasn’t going to live until today, but I woke up to find her still swimming and being a lot more active than she was in the past few days!!



If you look closely, or enlarge the photos, you can notice that her tail has been badly ripped! and the hind portion of her body looks very rough, that’s because the scales there have also been damaged. =(

Right now, I need to find out why she was hiding there, and if she’s going to be better now that I’ve isolated her. I don’t know as of right now if she’s going to need any medication, and I don’t know if I should keep another guppy in there with her because they’re very social fish.

If anyone could provide my with information on any of these things, it’d be very much appreciated! ><

That’s it for now…

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Haven't updated in a while...

I've been really kinda lazy about project ichthy lately...just because my fishies have been doing REALLY well... =)

The new tank has been making a lot of progress!

1) The problem with the cloudiness has gone away, and the water's been crystal clear for the past week and a half...I've done a 10% water change twice now, and the cloudiness never reappeared! =)

2) I've added a new plant to the aquarium! and the fish took a day or two to adapt to it, but they're doing fine now...I actually added a few too many plants for a day or two, and the fish started to show agressive behaviour towards each other fighting over space! >< so in the end, I took the others out and just left one in, and they're happy as ever now! =) 3) I've noticed.....Fish are really metally challenged animals!!! =.=!! when i first added the new plants...they would swim up to the plant....look at it...and swim back....even though there was sufficient space between the leaves of the plant to swim through!!!!!!! -.-wtf??? bascially they just ignore 1/3 of the volume of the tank because there's this thing that's blocking their DIRECT path....they won't even swim around it!!! =.=....which i thought was the most idiotic but hilarious thing in the world!!! lol~~ they're slowly learning now~~ they are now swimming through the leaves of the plants and occupying all the space that is available to them~~

4) My black moor actually LOST A SCALE!!!! O.O yea...i don't know how it happened...but that was about a week or so ago...when i woke up, I found that there was a bright spot on his first i thought it was ICH!! (OMG OMG OMG~~~PANIC!!!) but then when i looked closely, it was actually a missing scale!! i guess it the other fishies trying to be "friendly" to him huh? -.-yea...he's losing a bit of his colour now, which is really frustrating because i don't know what i'm doing wrong!! last week...he won't really eat or swim with the others but instead..he kept hanging out at the surface of the water...eating bubbles and's so WEIRD!!...because i have the air pump in there and it shouldn't be a lack of oxygen...0.o....and then later i found out that he WOULD's just that you have to throw the food DIRECTLY above his mouth for him to gulp it in.....i have no idea WHY this is keeping an eye out for this little guy...but hopefully he will be in better conditions!

5) I've stired up the gravel a couple times due to the new plants and everything, and i was taken by surprise as to exactly how much POOP there was in the gravel!! 0.O it was quite disgusting i'm really in need of a gravel cleaner ATM....

6) Speaking of buying more supplies...there was a day or two last week where it was REALLY cold in the early morning and during the night...I was really afraid that my fish would be in shock because the water temperature dropped too much..>< so i'm going to SOON get a heater for the tank and hopefully a digital one with a thermometer on it to keep the water temperature stable....@.@ that's gonna be a WHOLE lotta money again... *sigh* and perhaps even a few more air stones...and some T connectors.....T.T...

My smaller guppies and comet have grown significantly and noticeably since when i got them!! which i'm SOO happy about!! ^^

Who said you can't keep fantails and comest in the same tanks~?! Including the guppies, they're doing really well together as a community~~ and i'm very thankful that i didnt have to give up my comet in order to keep my two fantails and that i had the courage to just leave all of them in the tank and let the process of adaptation take place...*phew~ that was a scare~*

anyway~ there's a post that i wanna do about food and feeding my fish...but that shall be left for another time~~

That's it for now~ =)