Sunday, July 25, 2010

More Fish To Come!!

Today was definitely a very exciting day for me, because I went out and bought the black moor and oranda goldfish that i've been DYING to have~!!

They are ADORABLE little creatures that are just FASCINATING to watch!!

Even since I've gotten my fish, I've developed a habit of just sitting in front of the tank and just watching them....i don't know if this is a good habit or a bad habit, but it's definitely a better habit than sitting in front of the computer all day..><

So let me show you the new additions to my Ichthy family!!


She (as dubbed by me,) is a red and white oranda goldfish. I got her at the aquarium at P-mall for $4.99...she's medium sized and VERY beautiful. Her body is purely white with no orange spots or colouration, and her "crown" is a very sexy shade of blood red. She's very bulky and when she swims, she wiggles her whole body, which i find to be extremely funny, yet lovable. Her crown looked so much like the tobiko sauce from Japanese cuisine, that i actually thought about naming her that…and thus the origin of her name!=D


and then…there’s COAL

Coal is a black moor that i bought at the same store as Tobiko for $5.99. He is a little bit bigger than Tobiko, and very active! Coal is a very deep shade of black (unlike some of the fish that were sold there, were different shades of dark grey instead of black,) and appears to be VERY healthy, with no split fins or spots on the body~ He often head buds tobiko’s …..butt…>.> i have no idea whether this is because he’s playing with her or is there something else wrong with these two…but for now they look like they’re developing a very good relationship….xD


(you see…..he’s snuggling with tobiko!!!) lol~

I’ve also decided to take Pearly out of the tank by herself into her old bowl. I thought the guppies would have a problem with nibbling at the goldfish tails, but apparently it was actually the comet that had this problem, and not the guppies.

I also bought one more oranda goldfish. It’s not as pure in colour as tobiko, but its patterns were also very neat.

I gave this fish to my friend who just had a kidney surgery in hopes that the goldfish would bring her better health and good luck ~~=D


This Oranda has almost a zebra strip pattern on her body which i thought was also very pretty…=) Despite that…this is one stubborn fish!! 0.o…..she kept on trying to head bud the bag to get out…she’d fail and stop, but in 30 sec she would go back to doing the same thing…-.-

anyway~Here are some videos of my tank now…

(these were taken before the comet came outta the tank…)

Anyway~ that’s all for now~ =)

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