Thursday, July 22, 2010

will the problems ever end~?!

So I tried washing out my new gravel again…after the millionth time that i’ve done so after buying it about a week ago.

There’s no sign of the dye washing away at all!!! if not, actually getting worse!! I still have a LOT of dye and residue on the rubber gloves that i wear to wash and scrub the gravel, and it just doesn’t seem to be fading at ALL…

I’m getting really frustrated about this whole “dye incident” because it’s not only my gravel, it’s also my bubble stone!!

I have a Top Fin 7” bubble stone that’s dyed blue on the out side. I put it in the tank about 2 days ago to filter out with the water so to prepare for the fish addition. However, when I looked at the water today i noticed a VERY obvious blue colour in the water…and now, I’m even more skeptical about the quality of the things at Petsmart and whether it’d be safe to put my fish in there!

Right now, I just have the filter going at it in the tank, and I left the bubble stone in there to see if maybe the carbon in the filter would take the colour out (as i read on a certain website that it might have such an effect)…but either way…I’m going back to Petsmart soon…>.<, maybe I’ll end up buying stones or just natural gravel, and let this be a BIG lesson learned!!

Really hope that the problems would end SOON! so that i can move my fish into the tank!

Anyway…that’s all for now..=(

oh and ps. my problematic gravel is also manufactured by Top Fin….that shows something doesn’t it~?! …-.-....let this be a note to self to always leave Top Fin as last resort!….

(good thing i bought the smaller 5lb bags instead of this stupid thing..)

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